
- EdoVital is a micro business founded in 2014 and focused solely on black garlic production. Our production facility is in Kastamonu.
- EdoVital was entitled to receive KOSGEB Innovation Support with its "Black Garlic Production" project in 2015, and KOSGEB Industrial Application Support in 2017.
- With the Metro Chef brand it produced for the Metro Gross Market in 2018, Edovital was awarded "PLMA 2018 Excellence " in the Herbs and Spices category of the annual competition organized by The Private Label Manufacturers Association (PLMA), which is a member of more than 4,000 companies that produce their own brands in more than 70 countries in the world. He received the Respect Award . In the competition, where 430 product applications in 60 categories from all over the world were evaluated by an international panel jury; Metro Chef brand Black Garlic stood out in terms of innovation, innovation in packaging, quality and taste.
- Consultancy services were received from Istanbul University Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Pharmacognosy departments regarding the development of the black garlic production process and content analysis.
- Edovital products have passed the quality system inspections of the major supermarket chains in our country ( Migros, Carrefoursa, Metro Gross Market ) and have taken their place on the shelves of these stores.
- Only Kastamonu Taşköprü garlic is used in the production of Black Garlic. Raw garlic is monitored from the farmer's field and the best quality garlic is selected and put into operation.
- EdoVital works hand in hand with the producer couple in Kastamonu Taşköprü, where the world's best quality garlic is produced, with the aim of producing high value-added products for our country and marketing them to the whole world.
- Preventing imported food products in our country is only possible by protecting our own seeds and products. With this awareness, we strive to process and package our Taşköprü garlic in our hygienic production facility in a way that will be most beneficial to you. We would like to thank all the institutions and organizations that support us in this regard.
- We are happy to share the pride of bringing you our award-winning black garlic, which is only found in Taşköprü and has unique combinations of temperature, humidity, rain, wind and soil to become one of the best garlics in the world.
- You can order from our secure shopping site.
- All together for a healthier world